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Visitor Comments For Calls From 631-291-0313
This section contains information provided by our visitors who have received a call from 631-291-0313. Please remember that these comments are not verified, but they can often give you a good idea of who is calling. If you have additional information about the caller, please feel free to leave a comment and join the discussion.
delete commentsPosted on 2024-12-17
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Website VisitorPosted on 2023-09-09
this is not Andrew's phone number and why is it listed as his
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-06-03
still no service and no protection from the hackers and Verizon does nothing 3 years and nothing what should I do sue your incompetence for non service and illegal use of the contract you signed to provide service and personal privacy and protection and immediate response but you do nothing
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-05-19
complete bullishit and illegal activities this is gonna end badly for you
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-05-16
again this phone is a clone!! it's not Andrews phone and it's receiving his voicemails and some emails and they hacked the phone and took everything so if you are calling Andrew don't leave a message on the 631 number his number is 321 and has been for 3 years so I don't know who it is but I am getting a lawyer and going after everyone involved very soon don't leave messages or voicemails until I tell you thanks to all my friends and family members for understanding the nature of this criminal act and I believe it goes higher than I ever would have thought
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-04-10
that is not Andrews phone number and hasn't been for years now it's a cloned device and all voicemails and emails are going to that phone number don't know who has the phone but it's not Andrew don't send any information to that phone number send anything for Andrew to his phone number that is 3219781346 and make sure it's received and not forwarded
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-03-31
this is not Andrew Frey's phone number and do not leave voicemails at this number
Website VisitorPosted on 2020-01-02
this is not my phone number anymore and hasn't been for 2 years