
FCC Moves Forward In Removing Companies From Robocall Database

The FCC on Monday announced that due to continued non-compliance in combatting illegal robocalls, seven companies are now facing removal from their Robocall Mitigation Database. In their release, the FCC alleges that the offending companies failed to take required steps to combat robocalls including the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN protocols. STIR/SHAKEN, otherwise known as Secure Telephone Identity Revisited and Signature-based... Read More…

FCC Accuses ScammerBlaster Of Blasting Scams, Proposes $100m Fine

The FCC last week named Thomas Dorsher as the perpetrator of nearly 10 million illegal robocalls designed to generate revenue for his company, ChariTel, Inc.  In this scheme, Dorsher is accused of placing millions of robocalls to toll-free numbers, for which his local exchange carrier would have been compensated by the recipient of the calls. The... Read More…