/ Reverse Phone Search / 405-875-0308

Who Called Me From 405-875-0308?

Good news! We have some information about the phone number 405-875-0308 in our database. Based on the 405 area code, this is a phone number from Oklahoma. You can also scroll down to view comments and information posted by other visitors about this caller. If you have additional information, please feel free to submit a quick comment and join the discussion.

Caller Name: Nat L Ins Advct

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Visitor Comments For Calls From 405-875-0308

This section contains information provided by our visitors who have received a call from 405-875-0308. Please remember that these comments are not verified, but they can often give you a good idea of who is calling. If you have additional information about the caller, please feel free to leave a comment and join the discussion.

user avatar Website Visitor
Posted on 2016-10-06
if it's to donate to hillary it is a scam. another a hole being voted into office just to make history for the usa to have the first cunt in oval office
user avatar Website Visitor
Posted on 2016-10-05
its not a scam. Its Hillary Clinton. If you donate to her, they call you to donate more. thats all.
user avatar Website Visitor
Posted on 2016-03-14
Timeshare offer

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We are so sorry we missed you. This is Jackie with the Tax Help Center. You can call me back at 2012853841 at your immediate convenience. This call aims to notify you that your back tax debt could be classified as non-collectible so you would not need to pay it back. This is an aspect of the new federal economic recovery program that's been in the news. Therefore, before you file or make any arrangements to settle your tax debt, call us back at 2012853841 Speak with us immediately. We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking soon.

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Dr. Chapman's nurse at Oklahoma Heart Institute in Grove, Oklahoma.
Strange how their calls reflect an Oklahoma City number.

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Robo Scam call requesting additional information for loan application that was never made